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Archive for April, 2010

Believing the world is better when we understand each other makes perfect sense… if you know a Pisces

Working as an Astrologer in a mystical shop in her home town of Bath, England, the author encountered an amazing number of Pisces – because Pisceans feel ‘at home’ in the world of the mystical, weird and wonderful.  How to Survive a Pisces (O-Books) by Mary English, first in a series of guidebooks for all twelve signs of the Zodiac, is a lighthearted but accurate guide to all the ‘wobbly messes’ that make up a Piscean, and she should know – she is one! 

The author knew that if a client’s life or relationship was a tangled mess they either had to be a Pisces or it was a sure bet a Pisces was lurking somewhere in the picture!  Her entertaining and humorous book is for anyone who has ever been in a friendship or relationship with a Pisces, whose life has been challenged by one, or who is at their wits end trying to get one to understand them (that pretty much covers the whole planet)!  It is not a self-help book – it is a gentle guide filled with copious suggestions to better understand this unusual water creature. 

As an enlightened Pisces who had decided to mend her Pisces ways, the author decided it would be a good idea to tell her suffering clients, and those further afield, how to make the best of the Pisces in their lives, be it child, lover, employee, boss or sibling.  By using real-life examples from her extensive client files, English offers insider information to guide readers through making a birth chart. This helps identify the three Key Points to understand and survive the Pisces in their life, and avoid the common mishaps relating to their association with the last sign of the Zodiac!

Mary English was born in London into a family of authors and was educated at an American school in Switzerland.  She is a professional Astrologer with over thirty years of experience and is the resident Astrologer for the Green Parent Magazine and a member of The Astrological Association of Great Britain.  Please visit  or her interactive website at where visitors can sign up for her bi-monthly newsletter, and also check out for all kinds of up-to-the-minute information.



Donna Cunningham, US Astrological Author: “How to Survive a Pisces is the first in a planned series of ‘How to Survive’ guidebooks to all twelve zodiac signs…this book is full of vivid and accurate observations of Piscean natives from lovers to bosses, friends and family members.  Herself a Pisces, she presents wise counsel for dealing with them in each of those situations…both day-to-day life and in crisis as well as strategies to cope when the going gets rough.”

Judy Hall, author of The Astrology Bible, Patterns of the Past, Karmic Connections and The Crystal Zodiac:  “This is a wonderful book for anyone who is confused about how to deal with the twists and turns of the slippery fish.  I wish it had been around when I was gasping for air in my Pisces parents’ watery world, it would have been so enlightening…as an astrologer of many years standing, I have learned from Mary’s insightful guide which I recommend wholeheartedly.”

Melissa Corkhill, editor of The Green Parent Magazine: “…an insightful and practical look at how to enjoy life with a Pisces.  It is accessible so offers lots to a beginner interested in astrology but is detailed enough to appeal to seasoned experts.  As an Aquarius living with a Pisces, I get treated to a good dose of watery Piscean energy daily and I love it…this offered me insight into some areas which I hadn’t thought about before…had to laugh reading about problems with water manifesting around this sign as we always have issues with water flow, be it a dripping tap, blocked drains, etc.  Very interesting and informative read…am already looking forward to the other books in the series.”


The Joe DiMaggio’s are no more – just like America’s culture

Baseball has always been indicative of America, where once anything was possible by anyone thanks to its free enterprise system that was open to all.  Life, however, has greatly changed since the dawn of the ‘Synthetic Era’ in the 80’s – right and wrong have now become fake concepts, where winning is now redefined as right and losing as wrong.  Worse still, where once we considered the ‘good ole boy’ network immoral that has now been replaced by a whole culture of corruption!

Baseball is America: A Child of Baseball (AuthorHouse) by Victor Baltov, Jr., starts out on the author’s life as an amateur baseball player from the Glory Days through the Synthetic Era, but manages to continually interweave various topics ranging from corporate America to American politics and culture war issues.  The son of two patriots (a Daughter of the American Revolution and a son of the Bolshevik Revolution), Baltov became disenchanted when he witnessed our current culture not only accepting, but actually embracing, sports stars who commit felonies – anything ranging from drug abuse to domestic violence – realizing that no longer is baseball a standard-bearer for merit founded on Christian principles in America today!

Baseball is America is well-written, thought-provoking, and laced with just the right blend of satirical humor aimed at getting readers to reclaim the American strike zone based upon its founding principles as a noble country by electing officials who still believe in the Constitution as it was written by our Founding Fathers.  It takes courage to write the truth about what is happening in our great country today, in spite of the fact it has become socially illegal to do so under the pretense of ‘political correctness.’  Bring back meritocracy – rewards and advancement based upon talents, skills and work ethics – not based on celebrity status or illicit behavior!

Baltov’s book, the first in a Baseball is America trilogy, outlines Baltov’s desire to get readers to reclaim the American strike zone based upon its founding principles as a noble country by electing public service officials who represent the Spirit of ’76 instead of the spirit of secularism.  Please visit his website at for more information.
