by Ascot Media Group | Apr 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dallas/Fort Worth, TX – Have you ever set a major goal in life such as becoming an award-winning actress, being signed by a record company or publishing a book? Bridgette Murphy dared to dream big and guess what? She became a successful author...
by Ascot Media Group | Apr 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Delray Beach, FL – On May 16, Frank McKinney will walk his daughter Laura to St. Vincent Ferrer School for the last time – a tradition that started over 1,650 walks ago, and has carried on unbroken since Laura’s first day of Pre-Kindergarten on...
by Ascot Media Group | Apr 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Los Angeles, CA – The price Jerome Robbins paid in his personal life for his art was extraordinarily high. Watermill Revisited, the new e-book from Christine Conrad, provides a unique understanding of the controversial ballet Watermill, and...
by Ascot Media Group | Apr 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Las Vegas, NV – Two Kinds of Color (Createspace) by Deborah Kennedy may be fiction but its characters and events reflect the author’s real life story: growing up black in a racially divided family who were mostly conceived through...
by Ascot Media Group | Apr 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Antonio, TX – People often wonder: What is evil? What is death? What is hell? We Do Not Wrestle with Flesh and Blood: The True Story of a Man’s Death and Resurrection is the incredibly true story of Benjamin Smith – a young man who...