by Trish Stevens | Feb 13, 2025 | Author, Books, Entertainment, Fiction, Humor, Love, Men, New Books, Woman
Mark E. Scott’s darkly humorous, unique Day in the Life trilogy follows the tumultuous story of Jack and Aria, two would-be lovers haunted by the guilt of past failures, who are brought together through extraordinary circumstances. Each book in the series covers just...
by Trish Stevens | Feb 13, 2025 | Action, Arts and Entertainment, Author, Books, Fiction, Humor, New Books, Thriller
Attorney Archie Krafter doesn’t need anything else on his plate. He’s happily tending to his lovely wife, Lora, talented musician and proprietor of a small repertory theater, while dodging his mafia in-laws. After many years representing high-profile clients, Archie...
by Trish Stevens | Feb 13, 2025 | Action, Arts and Entertainment, Author, Books, Comedy, Entertainment, Fiction, Humor, Love, Men, New Books, Woman
Jack Current had a plan. Just not a good one. And ending up in the river with the woman who may or may not be his soulmate certainly wasn’t part of it. In First Date, the darkly humorous follow-up to Mark E. Scott’s debut novel, Drunk Log, readers witness the...
by Trish Stevens | Aug 4, 2022 | Author, Books, Enlightenment, Entertainment, Humor, Men, Self Help, Woman
Outrageous Tales of the Human Experience Provide Perfect Escape (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet or used by any means of social media sharing.) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From a high-speed chase to winning the...
by Trish Stevens | May 21, 2022 | Arts and Entertainment, Author, Books, Comedy, Enlightenment, Entertainment, Health, Humor, Men, Woman
Dazzle Dad With a Heaping Helping of Deliciously Clever Food Puns (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used by any means of social media sharing.) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Saba creates and photographs food...
by Trish Stevens | May 10, 2022 | Action, Author, Books, Enlightenment, Entertainment, Health, Humor, Love, Men
One Man’s Path to Redemption Leads Through Local Watering Holes (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used by any means of social media sharing.) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jack Current isn’t just hoping to...