by Trish Stevens | Jan 29, 2018 | Adult, Author, Books, Education, Enlightenment, Love, Medical, Men, New Books, Other, Satire, Self Help, Woman
Melanie Simpson Ascot Media Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2394 Friendswood, TX 77549 281.333.3507 Phone 832.569.5539 Fax (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used...
by Trish Stevens | Oct 3, 2016 | Adult, Author, Books, Content Management, Education, Enlightenment, Health, Humor, Medical, Men, New Books, Other, Satire, Self Help, Woman
Kim WeissDirector of CommunicationsHCI Books, The Life Issues Publisher3201 SW 15 Street Deerfield Beach, FL 33442(800) 851-9100 ext. press release may be reprinted in part or entirety) FOR IMMEDIATE...
by Trish Stevens | Nov 30, 2015 | Author, Books, Education, Enlightenment, Entertainment, New Books, Other, Satire, Uncategorized
Alan PageAscot Media GroupPost Office Box 2394Friendswood, TX 77549281.333.3507 Phone832.569-5539 press release may be reprinted in part or entirety) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE1969 And Then Some: Tales Of Yesterday’s Youth...
by Trish Stevens | Oct 22, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Author, Books, Comedy, Government, Humor, New Books, News, Politics, Satire
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE If You Give A Donkey the White House: Political Satire for the Soul Political satire can be traced back throughout history. Wherever there has been organized government it’s been a source of entertainment for people needing to vent their...