My Culinary Love Story: Delicious Recipes, Beautiful Illustrations and the Story of a Life Guided by Food, Fun, and Love

My Culinary Love Story: Delicious Recipes, Beautiful Illustrations and the Story of a Life Guided by Food, Fun, and Love

At her charming flat above a bistro in England, Pauline Parry was constantly enveloped in the comforting aromas of slow-roasted lamb and fresh-baked pie crusts, punctuated by the occasional whiff of freshly chopped garlic. It was the setting of Parry’s culinary...

Code-At-Home Tech Toys Keep Girls Engaged, Away From Computer Screens, During COVID-19 School Closures

Trish Stevens Claire Downing Ascot Media Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2394 Friendswood, TX 77549 281.333.3507 Phone 800.854.2207 Fax (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media...

Unresolved Trauma And Toxic Stress Seep Into The Way We Partner, Parent, Labor And Love

Trish Stevens Allison Janse Ascot Media Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2394 Friendswood, TX 77549 (800) 851-9100 Ext. 9204 (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used by...

Groundbreaking Research Finds Dyslexia And Related Disorders Are Medically Treatable, And Dramatic Improvement Is Possible—Even Partially For Autism/ASD

Trish StevensTeresa HinojosaAscot Media Group, Inc.Post Office Box 2394Friendswood, TX 77549832.569.5773 Direct281.333.3507 Main (This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet,...