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Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous & Independent Children by Reid Wilson, PhD and Lynn Lyons, LICSW


One in every five kids suffers from a diagnosable anxiety disorder

Beach, FL – With anxiety at epidemic levels among our children, Anxious
Kids, Anxious Parents (HCI Books — $14.95 – ISBN: 9780757317260 –
September 2013) offers a contrarian yet effective approach to help
children and teens push through their fears, worries, and phobias to
ultimately become more resilient, independent, and happy.

How do
you manage a child who gets stomachaches every school morning, who
refuses after-school activities, or who is trapped in the bathroom with
compulsive washing? Children like these put a palpable strain on
frustrated, helpless parents and teachers. And there is no escaping the
problem: One in every five kids suffers from a diagnosable anxiety

Unfortunately, when parents or professionals offer help
in traditional ways, they unknowingly reinforce a child’s worry and
avoidance. From their success with hundreds of organizations, schools,
and families, Reid Wilson, PhD, and Lynn Lyons, LICSW, share their
unconventional approach of stepping into uncertainty in a way that is
currently unfamiliar but infinitely successful.

Using current
research and contemporary examples, the book exposes the most common
anxiety-enhancing patterns—including reassurance, accommodation,
avoidance, and poor problem solving—and offers a concrete plan with 7
key principles that foster change. And, since new research reveals how
anxious parents typically make for anxious children, the book offers
exercises and techniques to change both the children’s and the parental
patterns of thinking and behaving.

This book challenges our basic
instincts about how to help fearful kids and will serve as the antidote
for an anxious nation of kids and their parents. Readers will learn the
difference between healthy worrying and debilitating anxiety and gain
concrete skills to parent children and teens. Action, not avoidance, is
the key to success. By following this powerful program, children will
gain the encouragement to realize their independence and courage.

an interview with the author(s), an excerpt, or to discuss the book
further, contact: Kim Weiss, (800) 851-9100 ext. 212 or
[email protected] .

Free E-Book! Inside every copy are
instructions for downloading Casey’s Guide, which puts the key
principles in language that resonates with kids.


Trisha J. Stevens
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Office: (281) 333-3507
Direct: (832) 334-2733
[email protected]


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