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Finally, answers to the question of whether mankind really is destroying the earth’s climate

December, 2009 was a month for contrasts in the climate change debate. Delegates from more than one hundred nations gathered in Copenhagen to discuss an international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, at the same time, the world was rocked by “Climategate,” the story of released emails from the Climate Research Unit at U.K.’s East Anglia University, and accusations that global temperature data had been adjusted to support the theory of man-made global warming.  Also in December, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled that greenhouse gas emissions were a pollutant under the Clean Air Act, paving the way for costly regulation of American industry. In addition, the United States Congress is currently considering a ‘Cap & Trade’ energy legislation that will raise the cost of energy for all citizens.

Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century’s Hottest Topic (New Lenox Books) by Steve Goreham takes a complete common-sense look at the science, politics, and energy-policy aspects of global warming.  Throughout the 400 pages and 130 figures, Goreham demonstrates that climate change is due to natural causes, not man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.  Therefore, humanity is engaged in a futile effort to control the Earth’s temperature, imposing severe policies that will limit our freedoms and radically transform our way of life.

But Goreham’s book goes deeper, introducing the concept of Climatism, a new global ideology, the driver of this man-made global warming delusion.  Led by the United Nations and adopted by governments of the world, Climatism is bent on transforming Western lifestyles for the worse and halting economic progress in the developing world.  Readable and down-to-earth, yet packed with the latest scientific and economic date, Climatism! is a must read for anyone wishing to know the real story about climate change.

Steve Goreham is an author, researcher, and public speaker on the topic of climate change.   He’s a former engineer and business executive with over thirty years of experience at Fortune 100 public companies and also private firms.  A whitewater kayaker and father of three, Steve holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and an MBA from the University of Chicago.  Climatism! is his first book.  For more information about Goreham and his climate observations, visit


To the man who started out in Florida with just $50 in his pocket – you’ve come a long way baby

Frank McKinney has never followed standard predictions; only his own contrarian strategies that go against all the ‘normal’ rules of real estate, so it stands to reason we should listen to him for one very good reason – he is a huge success story!  In his latest business book, Burst This! Frank McKinney’s Bubble-Proof Real Estate Strategies (Health Communications, Inc.), McKinney has done a superb job of guiding readers through the pitfalls of the real estate market without missing any of the opportunities.  By studying six distinct real estate cycles over the past thirty-five years and applying his own successful strategies learned in his twenty-five year career, he shows that anyone can thrive even in today’s turbulent real estate market.  Please visit for more information on this remarkable book.

Frank McKinney has been ‘tapped’ by God many times in his life.  He believes we all receive life’s great ‘tap moments’’ but it’s how we respond that defines us.  In The Tap (Health Communications, Inc.), McKinney shows how to recognize life-changing opportunities that are presented to us by God and how to respond so that we may receive the rewards of a blessed life.  He believes with absolute conviction that our level of success in the business of life is determined by what type of steward we are with God’s blessings.  An incredibly insightful book that will motivate even non-believers!  Visit to read more.

McKinney is already enjoying profound success with his first children’s book, Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, and the Good Luck Circle (Health Communications, Inc.).  Inspired by stories shared on over 1,200 daily walks to school with his young daughter, this magical tale of a young girl who has a chance meeting with a dead shiner fish that comes to life in her hands and whom she appropriately names ‘Dead Fred,’  will touch the hearts of young and old alike.  She helps Dead Fred in his battle to regain his Kingdom of High Voltage from Megalodon, a vicious and evil 50-foot prehistoric shark who threatens to drain the joy and imagination of children everywhere.  Its non-stop adventure will have children anxiously turning the pages as Dead Fred and his young heroes lure the shark and his rogue army into the fight of their lives – all while battling a fierce and deadly Category 5 hurricane!  See more on the escapades of Dead Fred at:

McKinney’s vibrant and energetic personality has charmed viewers on 20/20, Oprah, HGTV, CBS Evening News, USA Today, Travel Channel and many more.  For more information on ‘everything McKinney,’ please visit:


Motivation through laughter by focusing on what not to do

Nobody has ever taken the serious topic of employment, jobs and career and presented them in quite the most entertaining way as Jeff Havens in his How to Get Fired!: The New Employee’s Guide to Perpetual Unemployment (Big Pow! Books).  Just like Jeff’s speeches, his book contains the most original, informative, hilarious and powerful messages that reach people on all levels and walks of life – from college students to corporate leaders. 

During his four years as a full-time business speaker, he often heard other speakers address employers about ‘Generation Y’ but noticed that nobody was talking to the college students themselves.  Out of the approximately 1.5 million students who enroll in college each year, roughly 725,000 will actually graduate and this number encouraged Jeff to bring much-needed humor to the subject of the workplace in his one-of-a-kind book.  In changing the standard, he combined his talents as a teacher and a comedian to create hilarious scenarios that demonstrate the difference between college life and the business world in a way that has quickly become one of the most popular and in-demand college lectures in the country!

With all the unpleasant news on the home front, Jeff’s approach is a breath of fresh air – he covers all the important issues but does it in an entertaining way.  With lines such as “Would you rather play video games and update your Facebook profile than suffer through a lifetime of stable employment?” and “Does paying your rent seem like too much of a hassle?” he demonstrates how to never become a productive member of society!  

Described as a satirical masterpiece, How to Get Fired! introduces the Four Pillars of Poverty – fake your resume, establish your incompetence, destroy your work ethic, and alienate your coworkers.  After humorously pointing out the top ten things that commonly cause employees to lose their jobs, he gets down to the real business of how to successfully transition into the working world in order to keep a job!  Fast-paced, entertaining and relevant, this book is completely unique in its approach and has transformed the way businesspeople and college students alike approach the idea of personal and professional growth.

Jeff has appeared on several radio and TV interviews, and his humorous and sardonic style will be enjoyed nationwide this year when he makes his first appearance on Comedy Central.  Please check out his website for more information at:



Bettie Corbin Tucker for Independent Professional Book Reviewers: “…I was captivated by the satirical work of an author with a mission. Wit, intellect, and humor are used to present the material in a way that kept me turning the pages from the beginning to the end …as someone who worked several years in Human Resources, as well as a former publisher and present-day book reviewer, I have read many books on how to achieve success in the workplace; but there were none that gave specific instructions on how to get fired and become a non-productive member of society.  I must add that the author does this provocatively in an entertaining and educational way.  I promise that it is a one-of-a-kind publication that you will want to be part of your permanent library. Most of us have heard of reverse psychology, and if you do the opposite of what the first four parts of the book recommends, you will, in all likelihood, get what you want out of life as far as the job arena is concerned.  If you ignore the writings of the last chapter, just the opposite is true.

It is my hope to see How to Get Fired! in every library throughout the country.  It should be presented to college graduates, purchased by anyone who is looking for a job or wants to hold on to the one he or she has, and definitely needs to be passed out with employees’ handbooks to new hires, regardless of company size.  I give this book my highest recommendation.”

Eric Jones: “…fresh out of college, I’ve turned to all the employee handbooks that I can scrounge up because the first thing college does once you’ve graduated is hit you with the bill… The first thing I did after graduating was hunker down in a calendar kiosk in the middle of a mall in Madison, Wisconsin and try to dodge customers.  This is precisely where Jeff Havens knew I’d be, and obviously why he wrote How to Get Fired! – a satire on workplace politics that’s both enlightening and funny… Havens takes the approach of a real self-help book which can be jarring if you haven’t already discovered the book’s subtext. After all, you don’t really need to know how to be fired. It’s a brash and refreshing approach to a market saturated with professed “experts” in job relations. Turns out, learning how to be fired might actually save your job. And in a world where that makes sense, Jeff Havens might just be the best guru there is.”


Believing the world is better when we understand each other makes perfect sense… if you know a Pisces

Working as an Astrologer in a mystical shop in her home town of Bath, England, the author encountered an amazing number of Pisces – because Pisceans feel ‘at home’ in the world of the mystical, weird and wonderful.  How to Survive a Pisces (O-Books) by Mary English, first in a series of guidebooks for all twelve signs of the Zodiac, is a lighthearted but accurate guide to all the ‘wobbly messes’ that make up a Piscean, and she should know – she is one! 

The author knew that if a client’s life or relationship was a tangled mess they either had to be a Pisces or it was a sure bet a Pisces was lurking somewhere in the picture!  Her entertaining and humorous book is for anyone who has ever been in a friendship or relationship with a Pisces, whose life has been challenged by one, or who is at their wits end trying to get one to understand them (that pretty much covers the whole planet)!  It is not a self-help book – it is a gentle guide filled with copious suggestions to better understand this unusual water creature. 

As an enlightened Pisces who had decided to mend her Pisces ways, the author decided it would be a good idea to tell her suffering clients, and those further afield, how to make the best of the Pisces in their lives, be it child, lover, employee, boss or sibling.  By using real-life examples from her extensive client files, English offers insider information to guide readers through making a birth chart. This helps identify the three Key Points to understand and survive the Pisces in their life, and avoid the common mishaps relating to their association with the last sign of the Zodiac!

Mary English was born in London into a family of authors and was educated at an American school in Switzerland.  She is a professional Astrologer with over thirty years of experience and is the resident Astrologer for the Green Parent Magazine and a member of The Astrological Association of Great Britain.  Please visit  or her interactive website at where visitors can sign up for her bi-monthly newsletter, and also check out for all kinds of up-to-the-minute information.



Donna Cunningham, US Astrological Author: “How to Survive a Pisces is the first in a planned series of ‘How to Survive’ guidebooks to all twelve zodiac signs…this book is full of vivid and accurate observations of Piscean natives from lovers to bosses, friends and family members.  Herself a Pisces, she presents wise counsel for dealing with them in each of those situations…both day-to-day life and in crisis as well as strategies to cope when the going gets rough.”

Judy Hall, author of The Astrology Bible, Patterns of the Past, Karmic Connections and The Crystal Zodiac:  “This is a wonderful book for anyone who is confused about how to deal with the twists and turns of the slippery fish.  I wish it had been around when I was gasping for air in my Pisces parents’ watery world, it would have been so enlightening…as an astrologer of many years standing, I have learned from Mary’s insightful guide which I recommend wholeheartedly.”

Melissa Corkhill, editor of The Green Parent Magazine: “…an insightful and practical look at how to enjoy life with a Pisces.  It is accessible so offers lots to a beginner interested in astrology but is detailed enough to appeal to seasoned experts.  As an Aquarius living with a Pisces, I get treated to a good dose of watery Piscean energy daily and I love it…this offered me insight into some areas which I hadn’t thought about before…had to laugh reading about problems with water manifesting around this sign as we always have issues with water flow, be it a dripping tap, blocked drains, etc.  Very interesting and informative read…am already looking forward to the other books in the series.”


The Joe DiMaggio’s are no more – just like America’s culture

Baseball has always been indicative of America, where once anything was possible by anyone thanks to its free enterprise system that was open to all.  Life, however, has greatly changed since the dawn of the ‘Synthetic Era’ in the 80’s – right and wrong have now become fake concepts, where winning is now redefined as right and losing as wrong.  Worse still, where once we considered the ‘good ole boy’ network immoral that has now been replaced by a whole culture of corruption!

Baseball is America: A Child of Baseball (AuthorHouse) by Victor Baltov, Jr., starts out on the author’s life as an amateur baseball player from the Glory Days through the Synthetic Era, but manages to continually interweave various topics ranging from corporate America to American politics and culture war issues.  The son of two patriots (a Daughter of the American Revolution and a son of the Bolshevik Revolution), Baltov became disenchanted when he witnessed our current culture not only accepting, but actually embracing, sports stars who commit felonies – anything ranging from drug abuse to domestic violence – realizing that no longer is baseball a standard-bearer for merit founded on Christian principles in America today!

Baseball is America is well-written, thought-provoking, and laced with just the right blend of satirical humor aimed at getting readers to reclaim the American strike zone based upon its founding principles as a noble country by electing officials who still believe in the Constitution as it was written by our Founding Fathers.  It takes courage to write the truth about what is happening in our great country today, in spite of the fact it has become socially illegal to do so under the pretense of ‘political correctness.’  Bring back meritocracy – rewards and advancement based upon talents, skills and work ethics – not based on celebrity status or illicit behavior!

Baltov’s book, the first in a Baseball is America trilogy, outlines Baltov’s desire to get readers to reclaim the American strike zone based upon its founding principles as a noble country by electing public service officials who represent the Spirit of ’76 instead of the spirit of secularism.  Please visit his website at for more information.


Asking hypothetical questions of dead presidents helps understand where our current one is taking us

Niels C. Nielsen believes it is time to revisit one of the most controversial issues of the recent presidential campaign – Obama’s religious beliefs and background – and how they influence his day-to-day decisions.  God in the Obama Era (Morgan James Publishing) begins and ends with chapters on Obama for relevance and interest, but the integral part of the book is actually a history of successive presidencies.  Nielsen’s book is non-sectarian, positive and critical, and leaves the subject of Obama’s possible accomplishments and success open since it is too early yet for definitive judgments.

Understanding that nations which  ignore their past live in a narrow time period, discounting the fact that what has gone before tells us much about what is going on now and what will happen in the future.  Historically, religion – as both a positive and negative force – has influenced economics, international statecraft, as  well as individual and social ethics.  This brings up the question of where Barack Obama is taking this country – politically, religiously, economically and ethically.  Comparing our current president with past presidents, from Washington through Bush, Nielsen wonders what they would say to each other as contemporaries.  Since the election of 2008 turned out to be a watershed contest, looking to crucial decisions of policy change on the war in Iraq, the international economy, global warming, social security and immigration, it is the main intention of the author to help bring objectivity and perspective to the much-debated issues. 

This brilliantly enlightening book offers guidance to evaluate what an ambitious new leader has done, and may do, in the longer setting of the history of his office.  At the beginning of each chapter the author uses a narrative and chronological approach to show both the similarities and the differences between our current president and one of his predecessors, then asks a number of hypothetical “what if” questions of many past great leaders in an attempt to see how history could have been dramatically changed by their answers.  Visit his informative website at:

Niels C. Nielsen, Jr. is the J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Philosophy and Religious Thought emeritus at Rice University in Houston, Texas.  He is well-recognized for his earlier book, The Religion of Jimmy Carter, also translated into German. The author’s daughter  is the only non-native faculty member of her department at the University of Vienna, where she is intensely involved in explaining the Obama phenomenon to her students who have a varied interest in the transition from Bush II to a very different sort of presidency.  Nielsen’s Religions of the World is a widely used college and university textbook.



Ron Highfield, Professor of Religion, Pepperdine University: “…this erudite, lucid, enlightening book brilliantly illuminates the central icon of American culture … In the aftermath of the election, in which religion played a greater role than in any election since 1960, we are fortunate to receive this book…rich in insight, lively in style and wide-ranging in scope…penetrating analyses of 20 presidents … a “must read” for anyone interested in the presidency, the place of religion in American history and culture, or religion in the Obama campaign and presidency.”

Rev. George M. Atkinson, Director emeritus, Perkins School of Theology, TX: “Nielsen has written an unusually fine examination of the role of religion in the life and work of our presidents… comprehensive, balanced, puts into shadow any comparable books on the subject…students of American history will especially appreciate his careful treatment of this understudied topic, since it reveals ethical issues and nuances not examined in conventional studies … students of religion will appreciate the connections between the personal piety and the social justice efforts of each president studied…heartily recommend this book!”

Bishop Andy Doyle, Houston Diocese, Episcopal Church: “…very much enjoyed the book…captured the virtue of American presidents and their particular and faithful understanding of our country’s civil religion.  While no one president…Nielsen wrote about reflects each citizen’s faith or lack thereof…it represents them well as faithful men who have believed in a providential God.  As for President Obama, I was intrigued and challenged by …(the) comment that “the responsibility of his presidency reaches out beyond the external history to the internal history of the soul, spirit, intention and vision” …words will stay with me for some time as I think about the topic of virtuous leadership both secular and religious.


The ancient Maya accurately predicted the end of their civilisation….. Is their prediction about the end of our world about to come true too?

When archaeologist, Dr Shepherd finds a crystal skull in the hands of a dead colleague, the fragile world she has rebuilt with her husband begins to fall apart.   When she seeks answers to the suicide note left by her colleague that says ‘I have seen the future…..’ she begins a quest with momentous implications.  It leads her to an ancient tomb, deep in the rainforests of Central America, surrounded by armed guards.

Morton & Thomas’s new novel is an archaeological detective story. A pacy read, the story contains fascinating information about the ancient Mayan civilisation and their predictions for the year 2012.

The novel, dubbed the ‘new Celestine prophecy’ is set to challenge both the way we look at reality and our future….

About the authors:

Since a life-changing encounter with Mayan shamans in the jungles of Guatemala, Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas have dedicated themselves to promoting the ‘message of the Maya about 2012’. The screenwriters and authors whose  original factual bestseller ‘The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls’, has sold over 100,000 copies and has been translated into 15 languages, and recently inspired the Indiana Jones movies on the subject.  Their new novel began life as the screenplay that helped to inspire Roland Emmerich’s new blockbuster ‘2012’. As well as being experts on the Mayan calendar, the couple are active environmentalists, helping to raise awareness of the plight of the natural world.  They have appeared on Discovery’s Travel Channel,  NBC’s Sci-Fi Channel and The History Channel.  Their work has been published in the Daily Mail and Sunday Express in Great Britain, and they have contributed to numerous radio programmes both in the UK and around the world.
