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Hot new young author addresses coming-of-age growing pains just in time for the holidays

Almost everyone has experienced the painful coming-of-age feelings that high school tends to invoke.  Coupled with drastic physical changes experienced by teenagers, the pressures and demands of high school can seem overwhelming and eternal.  Now there is a guide to help students overcome these powerful feelings.  Just in time for the holiday season, First Day to Finals: A Guide to Surviving High School (George House Publishing) is Brittany Camp’s gift to all those teenagers who feel the all-too-familiar pressures of coming-of-age in high school. 

Camp wrote First Day to Finals to help prevent bullying, encourage healthy self images, discourage drug and alcohol abuse, and combat peer pressure.  Camp’s goal is to help other teens survive and transition into healthy and productive post-high school lives.  The book works like a journal and allows students to choose their own ending in each chapter.  The book also features artwork by Kathleen Arendt, whose tragically young death inspired Brittany to write First Day to Finals

Brittany Camp graduated from Carroll Sr. High School in 2010.  As she pondered her project for the Girl Scout Gold Award, Camp knew exactly what message she wanted to deliver.  She is proof that students can survive high school and that life does continue.  Brittany is currently a freshman at the University of Arkansas.  She tours middle and high schools encouraging students to support each other through the various challenges of high school life.

In order to help prepare students who will soon face the challenges of high school, Camp donated several copies of the book to her own high school and she invites charities to coordinate with her to sponsor students and schools to receive copies of the book.  She is also donating a portion of the book’s proceeds to the Carroll Independent School District (CISD) special needs department.

First Day to Finals is available in bookstores everywhere and online.  Visit this inspiring young writer’s website at: .



Darla Chupp, school counselor, “Brittany is truly an inspiration and I feel certain this book can and will help thousands of students build a firm foundation to happy, fulfilling lives: from developing a healthy body image to knowing what an appropriate dating relationship should look like, and so much more!”


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