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Hinsdale, IL – Thousands of people will resolve to lose weight in 2012. Unfortunately, many will fail because of a tragic misconception that they are overweight due to  overeating. Instead, the cause of lifelong weight problems and fatigue may be hypothyroidism, a disease easily treated by the step-by-step sensible plan of diet and exercise presented by Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski in his groundbreaking book The Hypothyroid Diet (Morgan and James, publisher).

January is Thyroid Awareness Month. Hypothyroidism is a devastating epidemic affecting 10 to 27 million Americans, often caused by an autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Most sufferers are women, and many are misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or mistreated. When she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and subsequently thyroid cancer, Dr. Dobrzynski’s wife Amy did not get better despite medication and surgery. Her husband was determined to help her lose weight, fight fatigue and feel normal again, and their success is documented in The Hypothyroid Diet.

A licensed practitioner of natural medicine, Dr. Kevin Dobrzyski has a thriving practice helping people use exercise and nutrition for a happier, healthier life. “Combining alternative medicine with exercise creates a healthy option and balance to give you the freedom while staying in control of your own healthcare,” he explains. Driven by a desire to help his wife, he studied the effects of the immune system, thyroid function and the interplay of nutrition and exercise.

Medication is often not helpful. For many women, it simply masks the cause of the problem without addressing the crippling symptoms of weight gain, fatigue, cold hands and feet, depression, hair loss, brain fog, short term memory loss, insomnia, low libido, heavy menses and body aches and pains. After she struggled for months, Dr. Dobrzynski developed a program for his wife to follow.

“It was a small change in diet with a couple of added nutritional supplements, and in a matter of weeks she lost eight pounds, got an energy boost and started to feel normal and hopeful.” His research showed that when the patient’s immune system is supported, results are swift. Through the simple plan outlined in The Hypothyroid Diet, Dobrzynski shows people what to eat and drink and what to avoid, and how to work a program that beats the disease.  “It also helps hypothyroid patients determine if they have a food allergy or sensitivity, which is a common theme among thyroid patients and can cause their symptoms to get worse.” he continues. “The program helps them stabilize their blood sugar so they can lose weight and also helps eliminate food cravings.”

With the introduction of this new book, Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski offers thousands of women new hope for the treatment of obesity, fatigue and other overwhelming symptoms of hypothyroidism. The Hypothyroid Diet may be the key to a healthier, happier life in 2012.

Please visit Dr. Dobrzynski’s website at:



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