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Marijuana Memoir’s Jimmy Moree is the Personification of Legalization Advocates’ Position – Weed Man – The Remarkable Journey of Jimmy Divine

Don’t drink, don’t smoke …: Teetotaler Jimmy Moree, one of the biggest drug smugglers in U.S. history, is the personification of marijuana reform advocates’ position on why cannabis – and those that sell it – are not as dangerous as we’ve always believed. 

Weed Man – The Remarkable Journey of Jimmy Divine (Thomas Nelson, 2009) is longtime D.C. political columnist John McCaslin’s fascinating account of the exploits of a teetotaling, law-abiding citizen (Moree) turned multi-million-dollar drug trafficker, who, amidst sometimes unbelievable, hilarious and escalating circumstances, risked life and limb to both make – and give away – a fortune.

Author, Columnist, and Radio Host John McCaslin is available for interviews – an opportunity to get a former White House correspondent’s take on, among other things:

• The Obama administration’s position  – does the political left have it right?
• Are legalization advocates right? Are we crowding our prisons unnecessarily with thousands like Jimmy Moree? What decriminalization would mean
• The next “Big Tobacco”? How marijuana is/could be different
• How legalizing pot could change the course of U.S. history – in much the same way that ending Prohibition did
• The potential tax revenue and whether it would help our ailing economy
• Whether or not legalization could end the trillion-dollar and seemingly never-ending war on drugs – or at least improve the situation along the U.S. borders


Wolf Blitzer, anchor and host of CNN’s The Situation Room: “This story is so compelling…John McCaslin has put it all together in a way that simply made me want to just keep on reading.  Wow.”

G. Gordon Liddy, Watergate figure and nationally-syndicated radio host: “For years everybody in Washington has turned to John McCaslin’s Inside the Beltway column for the inside skinny on what is going on in our nation’s capital.  Now, in Weed Man: The Remarkable Journey of Jimmy Divine, McCaslin brings his exceptional reportorial talent to bear in a fascinating expose of the drug trade.”

Michael Reagan, presidential son and nationally-syndicated radio host:  “McCaslin was a 20-something White House correspondent covering my dad, Ronald Reagan, when I first read his unique musings.  Maybe I’m not surprised, given the cast of characters and shenanigans he calls attention to every day in his Inside the Beltway column, that he’s now somehow made his way to a distant tropical island and uncovered the colorful if not hilarious escapades of drug trafficker Jimmy Divine.”

Mark Bowden, Atlantic Monthly correspondent, screenwriter and best-selling author: “Proof positive that the extras in James Bond movies are far more interesting than the films, the story of Harbour Island’s Jimmy Divine is so colorful it is hard to believe…or put down.  Told in a breezy, witty style, McCaslin’s book captures moments in relatively recent Caribbean history when it was again possible to make a fortune by the ability to steer a boat stealthily through dangerous seas.”

Katie Couric, anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News: “I’m delighted to see that John McCaslin has climbed out of his political trench in Washington long enough to set sail on this astonishing journey through the precarious Caribbean reefs, and beyond.  Somehow, in typical McCaslin fashion, he manages to bring his readers back to the nation’s capital in a chapter that will certainly have official tongues wagging in Washington.”

Tommy Chong, comedian and actor of Cheech and Chong fame: “This reads like a bestseller.  It’s about time we hear from a genuine pot smuggler of Jimmy Divine’s caliber who opens our eyes to the high times and high jinks on the high seas.”

Brad Meltzer, New York Times best-selling author:  “Facts are easy.  Anyone can find facts for a story.  What McCaslin always finds is heart.”


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