Prolific author Hank Quense shares his wealth of knowledge regarding fiction and nonfiction writing, self-publishing and book marketing in his new, free, interactive e-book, My Stuff: A Comprehensive Guide for Today’s Authors. Quense been writing for over 20 years and has published 45 short stories, a dozen novels and more than a dozen nonfiction books on the process of creating stories, publishing and book marketing.
My Stuff is practically an entire library of material distilled into one source containing Quense’s best tips, strategies and practical wisdom for anyone hoping to write and publish a book. My Stuff is available in two versions: a pdf or an interactive e-pub edition. The e-book contains live audio clips and videos, and new information will be added over time. Both editions contain virtually everything that a writer needs to turn their original stories into books and get those books into the hands of their target audience.
“The book provides links to a wealth of relevant content that is written in plain English, not technobabble or the usual marketing gibberish,” Quense said.
In the e-book, users will find links to Quense’s helpful materials for writers, including:
• Articles
• Books
• YouTube channel
• Checklists
• Video classes
• Do-It-Yourself courses
• Personal coaching services
• Free e-books
Additionally, Quense walks readers through his process of creating a story, provides fiction writing exercises and shares his book publishing and marketing insights.
About the Author
Hank Quense has been self-publishing his books for over 12 years. His nonfiction books cover fiction writing (Creating Stories), self-publishing (How to Self-publish and Market a Book, Self-publish a Book in 10 Steps), marketing (Book Marketing Fundamentals) and author business (Business Basics for Authors). He also lectures on these subjects in schools, libraries and on webinars.
For his writers and authors resource center, visit https://writersarc.com. Follow Quense on Facebook (StrangeWorldsOnline), Twitter (hanque99) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanque/). Sign up to receive his newsletter here: https://hankquense.substack.com/.
My Stuff: A Comprehensive Guide for Today’s Authors is available free to download at https://padlet.com/hanque/my-stuff-iby9ml9tm9f3vy5w.
Reviews, photos, links to previous interviews and Q&As are available upon request.
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