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Since January 20, 2009 America has been under attack by the most powerful man in the world – the President of the United States

Once Barack Hussein Obama took office he made it shockingly clear by his words and actions that he did not believe in America as an exceptional nation, a Christian nation, or a nation of economic free enterprise. In his book Liberal Betrayal of America and the Tea Party Firestorm (Elderberry Press, Inc.), William Davis Eaton does a superb job of outlining the totalitarian intent of the President’s programs, and the Liberal roots from which those programs have grown.  The result would be an America based on Marxian Socialism and the Nazi and Italian Fascism of the last century—a Socio-Fascistic nation. 

Eaton’s book expertly depicts how the student riots of the sixties generated a Civil War designed to destroy a great American nation.  This decades-long war began on the Berkeley campus of the University of California in November 1964.  The Free Speech Movement, the FSM, of rebellious students aimed to question authority with the intent to destroy authority.  They succeeded at Berkeley and the war against all authority moved on to prepare a cultural desert for the Socio-Fascist monster now taking shape to move in and occupy. 

After the 2008 election, agents of this ‘full-fledged war’ against America moved rapidly from idealistic campaign rhetoric to the consolidation of raw power – economically, politically and morally – in its push to control the daily lives of the American people.  Their aims are no different as a result of their stunning defeat in the 2010 mid-term elections.  Only their tactics will change.

Obama’s ‘ghost government’ of as many as three dozen Czars is hidden from the public and has been given unaccountable authority without congressional approval.  Both the Health Care Act and the Financial Regulation Act provide stunning regulatory powers to faceless regulators hidden deep inside a growing warren of agencies.  Climate Czar Carol Browner threatens to declare CO2 a toxic “greenhouse gas” in need of her attention.  That’s the gas all animals exhale when they breathe and that plants in turn make into oxygen that seems helpful to the animals.

The liberal assault against America has infiltrated the public school system, affected mainstream media, the arts, universities, the environmental movement, organized labor, leading elements of science, and much of the judiciary and federal bureaucracy.  It has destroyed or corrupted ideals and institutions affecting religion, sexual relations, the family unit, the rule of law, and patriotic loyalty – not to mention the persistent efforts to denigrate and even mock the value of human life.  Massive growth of government power is promoted at the expense of individual liberty.  The Obama Administration shows its Fascist stripes in its attempt to suppress any form of communication that supports opposing views.

Eaton’s book suggests there are no longer two political parties of the center, gravitating around accepted core values.  There is today in fact no longer a true Democratic Party.  The Democrats have been reduced to a front organization useful as a cover for President Obama and the Socio-Fascistic Czars of his shadow government that have captured the Party.  Obama has effected a coup d’etat, and the new Tea Party Senators and Congressmen will have difficulty learning how to deal with those who still call themselves Democrats. Conservatives have for years allowed themselves to be bullied into hiding their faces and speaking softly the politically correct words.  So in Congress they readily give apologetic assurance that they, too, are compassionate, and really want to work with the other side.  But there is no compromise with a revolution; it is either victory or surrender. 

It was the terrifying vision of America being methodically destroyed that ignited the firestorm response of the Tea Party movement and awakened the “sleeping giant” – the silent majority of true Americans, who are silent no more.  On November 2, 2010 the Tea Partiers and others they have also awakened struck a powerful blow in defense of liberty and country.  The Tea Party speaks primarily of taxes, mountains of debt, and similar urgent causes, but their movement has opened up the scars of the culture war as well.  The book Liberal Betrayal reveals how profoundly the liberals have turned against their country, how deeply the roots of liberty have been poisoned, and how difficult the task of restoring freedom and liberty at all levels of society will be.  Thanks to the Tea Party, America is returning to its core values and repudiating its soulless disbelievers  

The author of Liberal Betrayal of America and the Tea Party Firestorm is an attorney, a professional arbitrator and former professor.  He has taught at several universities including San Jose State University, and the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a PhD in political science.  In a previous book, Who Killed the Constitution / the Judges v. the Law, Dr. Eaton dissected judicial usurpation of power, sharpening his scalpel for the liberals!

Please visit William Eaton’s website at  for more information.



Night Owl Review: “…vivid account of 60’s campus turmoil by Berkeley prof…

National Review of Conservative Books: “Forceful prose…should be a hit with Republicans.”

The Nation in Review: “Should be a hit with Republicans.”

Jack Of Alltrades Amazon Book Review: “Not every day a Berkeley professor attacks the liberal elite, but Eaton has pulled it off here – and with gusto.  Tea Party believers will want to read this!


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