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Posts Tagged ‘men’

Testimonial for Ascot Media Group from author, Carl Helvie

I used the services of Ascot Media New in 2013 and it was so successful marketing my book on lung cancer that I decided to use them again (2018) for my recent cancer prevention book. I started this recent service less than two months ago and have averaged more than one query a day and have some large opportunities scheduled. One program on cancer in California will be broadcast to 18 states and 37% of the population. Trish, Kimberly, Lin and others are wonderful to work with and always ready to help in any way they can. For me, this is the only way to successfully market a book.

Dr. Carl Helvie    


Witty New Guide Helps Women Avoid Dating Disasters

The Boys You Don't Take Home: Game Secrets by [Atlas, Alexander]

Elizabeth Shelley
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
Phone: 281.333.3507
Fax: 832.569.5539
[email protected]

(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety by any print or broadcast media outlet, or used by any means of social media sharing)


Witty New Guide Helps Women Avoid Dating Disasters

Phoenix, AZ ― Let’s face it: the dating game isn’t fun for women who always lose.

Alexander Atlas — a man who was used to winning — knows how the dating game works. He played it himself for years before settling down, and watched woman after woman fall for the same tricks.

In his new, brazenly honest dating guide, The Boys You Don’t Take Home: Game Secrets, Atlas takes women inside the male mind and shares his past, one-sided relationship perspective. Using colorful, lesson-packed anecdotes, he introduces readers to the “mama’s boy,” the “bad boy,” the “player” and the “scrub” and shares his tips for spotting their deceitful tricks and traps.

Atlas covers a wide range of topics that include:

• How to identify “Mr. Wrong”
• How to move on from heartache and heartbreak
• The telltale signs of cheating
• Dealing with rejection
• How to use your relationship as inspiration for personal success
• Understanding the signs of emotional abuse
• How to stop wasting your time on unworthy men

Readers may recognize some of their own dating mistakes and disasters between the covers of The Boys You Don’t Take Home, and that’s the point! Atlas wants to help women everywhere make better relationship choices.

Alexander Atlas writes both fiction and nonfiction. In addition to The Boys You Don’t Take Home: Game Secrets, Atlas is also the author of the companion piece, The Girls You Don’t Take Home to Mama (published in 2016). He is also working on two novels: Napoleon’s Way and From Prey 2 Predator as well as his third self-help installment, The Girls You Don’t Take Home: Pandemonium and Chaos. A father of two daughters as well as a motivational fitness trainer, Alexander Atlas incorporates self-improvement into all facets of his life.

For more information about Alexander Atlas and his upcoming books, please visit

The Boys You Don’t Take Home: Game Secrets
Release Date: February 1, 2018
Available for preorder on


Can A Man Write A Chick-Lit Novel?

(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety)

Can a man write a chick-lit novel that will keep women turning the pages? Reviews for the just-released romance comedy, Dog Training the American Male, have women howling for several reasons – first, it’s hilarious, second because it is touching – but the biggest reason is because they assumed author L.A. Knight is a woman.


Somehow this married man, father, and grandfather (and best-selling author of 16 thrillers under his real name) has penned a romance novel that women love. Maybe it’s because he figured out (after a major fight with his wife) that men and dogs are both simple creatures that need to be trained… and the book tells the ladies how to do it.

L.A. Knight will have your audience in stitches over his rollicking “tail” of a relationship counselor’s attempt to domesticate men through dog training techniques. Please read the following press release and watch, and let me know if I may schedule an interview with L.A. Knight or forward a review copy of the book. Thank you.

Trish Stevens
Ascot Media Group
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
281.333.3507 office
832.569.5539 fax
[email protected]

Can A Man Write A Chick-Lit Novel?
New release has the ladies howling for more

Boca Raton, FL – Twenty-five years of marriage and the experiences of working with both male and female dog trainers provided the inspiration for L.A. Knight’s laugh-out-loud new chick-lit romp, Dog Training the American Male, the story of a female relationship counselor who can’t seem to make her own relationships work… until she discovers that the techniques used to train her boyfriend’s dog can also be used to train her boyfriend.

At the heart of the romance is the inability of men and women to communicate. We may speak the same language but our brains are wired completely different. Conversely, the author is convinced that men and dogs are far more alike than men and women and that men, like dogs, can be trained in order to bridge the communication gap and improve a couple’s relationship.

How does this new chick-lit writer know how the male mind works? Maybe it’s because L.A. Knight is a man.

That revelation has shocked many female readers… and reviewers. KIRKUS REVIEWS stated, “…the central characters transcend their stock roles and grow into legitimately compelling subjects. Incident by unlikely incident, we are pulled deeper into their lives until it is their fates (not merely their quips) that keep us turning the pages. Knight is a naturally comic writer; what is more, she is a talented storyteller.”


Says the author, “I came up with the concept for the story after a bad argument with my wife. I couldn’t understand how my simple, innocent statement had become so misunderstood; it’s like I was speaking another language. Then, in the middle of our argument, the wife says something to the dog… and the dog obeys her command… zero communication problem. Later (while sleeping in the guest room), I thought about that. How is it that a dog understands a woman but as a man I’m completely befuddled? Then I realized the dog understood because it was trained how to please in order to earn its treat. Since men are also simple creatures that just want to be rubbed and left alone, I realized we’d be far happier if our women trained us.”

Knight is not surprised that women assumed ‘he’ was a ‘she.’ “In writing the voices of the characters, I injected 25 years of marriage, including all of my dumb-animal, ego-driven responses to my wife’s button-pushing attempts to get me to realize that she doesn’t want me to resolve the situation, she just wants me to shut-up and listen – even though I have no clue what she’s talking about… just like a dog.”

For information, please visit the website at: and see the book trailer at:

Available in bookstores and all online outlets
Dog Training the American Male
A&M Publishers
September 2016
ISBN-10: 1943957002
ISBN-13: 978-1943957002


Forget About The Latest Fashions, Celebrities Are Now Inspiring Readers With Their Cancer Stories


(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety)

I would like to send a complimentary copy of one of the books in the Reimagining Cancer series by doctors Mark Boguski and Michele Berman, in consideration of an interview or review from you.

Appealing to our celebrity-driven society, doctors Boguski and Berman are helping to increase cancer awareness. Both Reimagining Men’s Cancers and Reimagining Women’s Cancers provide critical medical information through personal accounts of celebrities coping with cancer that are not only inspiring, they can save lives. Connecting with an admired celebrity figure over something as life-altering as cancer can trigger readers to take preventative action for their health, as well as inspire hope in a patient already diagnosed. Since someone is diagnosed with cancer every 23 seconds in America (a rate that’s expected to rise by 2 million new patients in 2016), ensuring the delivery of accurate information is vital!

Please read the press release below and let me know if I may schedule an interview with either author, or forward a review copy of one of their books. If you would like to run this story we’d be happy to send you .jpgs of the doctors and the book covers. Thank you.

Kim Weiss
Director of Communications
HCI Books, The Life Issues Publisher
3201 SW 15 Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
(800) 851-9100 ext. 9212
[email protected]

Forget About The Latest Fashions, Celebrities Are Now Inspiring Readers With Their Cancer Stories

“The illnesses of famous patients receive enormous attention from the media and serve as touchstones for patients and families dealing with similar conditions… By taking a series of famous cancer cases and looking at the actual information being received by the public, Doctors Boguski and Berman are furthering the important process of ascertaining exactly what these episodes teach us.”

–– Barron H. Lerner, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, New York Presbyterian, The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, Author of When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine

“Thank you for sharing the relationship between celebrity health conditions, consumer Internet search behavior, and its potential for developing teachable moments for the advancement of public health.”

–– Nan M. Laird, PhD, Harvey V. Fineberg, Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health

Boston, MA – Cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The get-out-of-cancer-free card? Prevention through information. The recent World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization states that about half of all cancers are preventable and can be avoided if current medical knowledge is better delivered. From People magazine, with a readership of 43 million to Internet sites like with over 80 million monthly views, celebrity information not only sells, it has the ability to educate about important issues––including cancer.

Whether readers are currently patients or consumers wanting to be better informed, Reimagining Men’s Cancers and Reimagining Women’s Cancers exemplify that information is empowering. Reading about a famous person coping with cancer can not only be inspiring, it can save a life. In the first two books of their Reimagining Cancer series, doctors Mark Boguski and Michele Berman team with writer David Tabatsky to provide celebrity stories focusing on the most common cancers that affect men and women today.

To provide readers with critical information to help them manage, cope, and recover from illness, these books are written in an easy-to-read style and format. Each chapter begins with basic anatomy concerning each cancer, followed by an overview of how we view a particular cancer today. The chapters flow easily into an explanation of signs, symptoms, diagnoses, scientific information and guidelines, and end on comprehensive surveys for treatments and prevention. Woven throughout are stories, both medical and anecdotal, from celebrities such as Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Lance Armstrong, Angelina Jolie, Joan Lunden, Melissa Etheridge, Sandra Lee, Rita Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Suzanne Somers.

Every 23 seconds someone in America is diagnosed with cancer. Education is the key, and by using clear and concise information by means of celebrity stories, these books can teach countless readers who might otherwise not pay attention to an epidemic likely to affect them or a loved one.

About The Authors

Dr. Mark Boguski and Dr. Michele Berman are a husband and wife team of physicians who have trained and taught at some of the top medical schools and research institutions in the country, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Washington University in St. Louis, the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Celebrity Diagnosis, the website they founded and launched in 2009, is now featured as an integral part of the American Association for Cancer Research website and combines celebrity health conditions with up-to-date medical information on numerous cancers. Through their website, Dr. Boguski and Dr. Berman have created numerous “teachable moments in medicine,” giving the medical facts behind the headlines. Their aim is to increase health awareness and medical knowledge for patient empowerment and professional development, and raise the likelihood of consideration for early detection and preventative behavior.

For a patient facing cancer, or for a medical student overwhelmed by data, medical information alone can be quite daunting and often misses out on the human factor that is so vital in prevention and healing. David Tabatsky, through his writing and editing, has added an essential element to the book through his interviews with patients and cancer support groups, as well as by making the book easy to read.

Tweet: @MarkBoguskiMD
3700 followers on LinkedIn

Available wherever books are sold or to order directly from the publisher, contact: or (800) 441-5569

Reimagining Men’s Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis® Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention
HCI Books
ISBN: 9780757319556
$14.95 October 2016

Reimagining Women’s Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention
HCI Books
AISBN 9780757319532


Dog Training The American Male: Take The Test To See Who Is A Member In Good Standing Of The Canine Club

(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety)

Most women would describe the perfect male as domesticated and well trained, but author L.A. Knight knows that most men are happiest relaxing on the couch, scratching their privates, and watching sports! I’d like to send you a copy of Dog Training the American Male ― his hilarious new book described as Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In meets a funny Fifty Shades of Grey ― in consideration of an interview or review. Says Knight: “Men are dogs… and we like it that way. I say ‘bring it on’ but just go easy on the electric shock collar!”

This best-selling author makes a dynamic guest who will have your audience in stitches over his rollicking “tail” of a relationship counselor’s attempt to domesticate men through dog training techniques. Please read the following press release and watch, and let me know if I may schedule an interview with L.A. Knight or forward a review copy of the book. Thank you.

Trish Stevens
Ascot Media Group
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
281.333.3507 office
832.569.5539 fax
[email protected]

Dog Training The American Male: Take The Test To See Who Is A Member In Good Standing Of The Canine Club

Boca Raton, FL – L.A. Knight’s own marriage and the experiences of two different dog trainers he hired to train his German Shepherd, provided the unique inspiration for his laugh-out-loud book, Dog Training the American Male. Realizing his wife often treats him like a dumb animal (deservedly so, he admits, since most men are simple creatures who essentially want sex, food and to watch football), he jokes: “Give us what we want and domestication is possible. After all, who among us hasn’t performed for a treat, peed on a tree, dry-humped a woman’s leg, howled at the moon, or stuck his nose in a groin or two.”

At the heart of this hilarious tale is Dr. Nancy Beach, a relationship counselor who hosts a local radio show in South Florida called Love’s a Beach. Sadly, since this relationship guru can’t seem to make her own relationships work, her credibility and ratings are in the toilet. She is set up on a blind date with Jacob, a casualty of Lehman Brothers, who lost his job and swagger and now yearns to be a stand-up comedienne/ventriloquist. Since he’s already a walking thesaurus of phobias and now he’s dating a psych major― these two are either the perfect match or the relationship is a ticking time bomb.

Their siblings, for different reasons, don’t care ― they just want to be rid of them! Jacob’s brother (gynecologist Vinnie) and Nancy’s lesbian sister (Lana) encourage the young couple to move in together. When the honeymoon stage abruptly ends, Lana convinces Jacob to buy her sister a little white foo-foo dog ― a pet she enjoyed as an insecure child. Being a “typical man” Jacob doesn’t listen and instead goes to the dog pound, returning home with Sam – a 120-pound German Shepherd.

Needless to say, chaos ensues and Nancy flips out. But after hiring a dog trainer she has an epiphany … what if the dog trainer’s techniques can be used to housebreak Jacob? What follows is a wildly hilarious, social experiment that every couple and dog owner can identify with.

Kirkus Reviews states “Dog Training the American Male is funny in the best way: the humor propels the action rather than pausing it . . . prose flows like a jocular babbling brook. L.A. Knight is a naturally-gifted comic writer; what is more, she is a talented storyteller.” What is also funny is that like many readers, Kirkus assumed L.A. Knight is a woman. In fact, the author is NY Times best-selling author Steve Alten whose riveting hit series MEG was recently optioned by Warner Brothers for a movie to be directed by Jon Turtletaub and starring Jason Statham.

For information, please visit the website at: and see the book trailer at:

Available in bookstores and all online outlets
Dog Training the American Male
A&M Publishers
September 2016
ISBN-10: 1943957002
ISBN-13: 978-1943957002


At The Intersection Of Science And Love: Men Chase, Women Choose


(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety)

Love and science: where do they intersect? Please allow me to send you a copy of Men Chase Women Choose: The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind and Finding True Love, in consideration of a feature, interview or review from you. Author Dawn Maslar, MS was voted one of the Top 20 Most Followed Dating Experts on Twitter; her scientific approach to an age-old question captivates audiences, especially her live, interactive research right on stage.

Please read the press release below and let me know if you’re interested in scheduling an interview; send me your mailing address and I will forward a review copy of her book. If you’d like to run this story, I’d be happy to send you .jpgs of the author and the book cover. Thank you.

See Dawn’s TEDx talk here:

Kim Weiss
Director of Communications
HCI Books, The Life Issues Publisher
3201 SW 15 Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
(800) 851-9100 ext. 212
[email protected]

At The Intersection Of Science And Love: Men Chase, Women Choose

“Men Chase, Women Choose is warm and witty with a perfect balance of science and insight. You’ll find yourself wondering why a book of this magnitude didn’t come out sooner. But like everything else in life, all in due time.” – Gabe Berman, author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

“Understanding the anthropological principles that underlie our responses to love does not lessen its beauty and enigmatic wonder, but allows us to clearly view love as a biological responsibility.”- Lisa McCourt, author of Juicy Joy: 7 Simple Steps to Your Glorious, Gutsy Self

Davie, FL ― A question that seems as old as time comes closer to a definitive answer than ever before ― What is love? In Men Chase, Women Choose, Dawn Maslar, MS, provides engaging insights into one of life’s most elusive and misunderstood topics by offering science-based research to help anyone discover and sustain love. Maslar’s relatable and easy-to-read book uses the most relevant neurological, physiological, and biochemical studies on the science of love, while incorporating stories and examples based on participants of her popular classes and seminars.

For the past decade, the “love biologist” has been using her cutting-edge research to describe how the brain works when two people first meet, start to date, fall in love, and then move on to a more passionate, lifelong love. Even simpler, she breaks down her love science into four precisely timed phases:

1. Attraction
2. Dating
3. Falling in love
4. Real love

During these phases, Maslar explains that “love” is actually neural activity as well as the presence or absence of certain neurotransmitters. Most people associate love with the euphoric feeling during which anxiety is low or nonexistent among these brain signals. However, Maslar demonstrates that levels of anxiety and other feelings can fluctuate throughout love’s path. “Love isn’t just one thing that you luckily fall into,” says Maslar. “Finding and maintaining lifelong love is a process … Because the stages are different, you can feel different emotions during each phase.”

Maslar reasons that once we understand how love works, we can make educated decisions. Men Chase, Women Choose helps readers in this boundless endeavor by addressing all those time-honored questions like:

• Does love at first sight really exist?
• Who should make the first move?
• What happens to your brain when you fall in love?
• Why won’t he commit?
• Why does love make us crazy?
• What can you do to have love that lasts a lifetime?

Readers can expect answers involving how love is a biological need, the “natural laws” of love, purposes of the brain’s anatomy, and how testosterone and other biochemical differences between men and women affect how we love. Maslar states, “When you understand the science of love, it will help you easily and effortlessly find nourishing and passionate, long-lasting love.”

More praise for Men Chase, Women Choose…

“Whether in between relationships or currently in one, readers will find valuable insight on how men and women interact with each other and what dynamics long-term relationships need to work. Maslar mixes scientific concepts, often with humor, making it a light and enjoyable read. – Theresa Braun, author of Groom and Doom: A Greek Love Story and dating blogger.

“Finally, a book that doesn’t treat finding true love like a Nora Ephron movie! Biology, nature, evolution … they all play a role in helping us find that special someone. Or in keeping them from us forever. – Eric Rogell, author of The Art of War for Dating

About the Author:

Dawn Maslar, MS, (Davie, FL) award-winning author, adjunct biology professor and the go-to authority on the science of love. She was voted one of theTop 20 Most Followed Dating Experts on Twitter and Best 28 Dating, Marriage and Relationship Blogs in the UK to follow in 2015. She is a contributing author at, a collection of leading experts in the field of scientific relationship research. She is a TEDx speaker on How Your Brain Falls in Love and worked with the TED Education division to create their Science of Attraction video. Her work has been featured on South Florida Today, Pittsburgh Tribune and NPR. Her online videos have had over 2 million views. In addition to the book, she has created The Great Love Experiment; a show where audience members learn about the science of love by participating in research reenactments on stage. It’s a fun and often hilarious event that she does at colleges, comedy clubs and singles events. See excerpts of the show here:

Men Chase, Women Choose: The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind and Finding True Love
By Dawn Maslar, MS
Available directly from the publisher at or 800-441-5569
and at fine bookstores everywhere
ISBN: 9780757319259


Praise Chapel Houston Launches New Young Adults Ministry For Challenging Times

Praise Chapel of Houston

Pastor Nathan Hanohano
Praise Chapel
18516 Highway 3
Webster, TX 77598
[email protected]

(This press release may be reprinted in part or entirety)

Praise Chapel Houston Launches New Young Adults Ministry For Challenging Times

Houston, TX ― Building a platform for effective worship, study and ministry in our time is not only necessary but unprecedented; this is the impetus for the revitalized Young Adults Ministry at Praise Chapel.

“The complexity of everyday life becomes even more challenging for a believer, especially because our culture is increasingly one of nonbelievers,” says Pastor Nathan Hanohano. “What we believe in and how we come to that ‘belief system’ will ultimately shape the destiny of the 21st century Christian,” he continues. “God has big plans for this generation, to usher in the next Great Awakening of the 21st century.”

At Praise Chapel, we work hard to be a church of relationships rather than rules, building bridges and tearing down barricades. We celebrate all nationalities, ages and people at Praise Chapel. We have a vibrant and inspirational music ministry, and offer special programming for children, women, married couples, students, singles, seniors and men.

Praise Chapel is located in Webster, TX. We are conveniently located a few minutes from Houston, and near the cities of League City, Pasadena, Friendswood, Pearland, Clear Lake, Dickinson, Seabrook, La Porte, Texas City, Kemah, and Alvin.

For more information, visit:

Sundays, KTBU 55 at 6:30 am
KUBE 57 – 9 am
