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Revolutionary Method Can Break Endless Cycle Of Emotional Overeating

Trish Stevens
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
[email protected]
281.333.3507 Phone

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Revolutionary Method Can Break Endless Cycle Of Emotional Overeating

The solution to overeating and belly fat is shockingly simple. The root cause of overeating and weight gain is in the emotional brain. Our traditional approaches treat the thinking brain, that is, we are treating the wrong brain. As Laurel Mellin, Ph.D., explains in her breakthrough book, The Stress Eating Solution: A Proven, Neuroscience Method for Ending Overeating, we need emotional tools to solve problems rooted in the emotional brain.
During more than 30 years of research, Dr. Mellin crafted a way to take charge of the emotional brain. In her method, cravings and urges to overeat can be good for you. They activate the emotional wire that triggers overeating, and only when activated, can we rewire it. In her method, when cravings occur, instantly using the tools both shuts off the craving and begins to rewire the circuit that triggers it.

In an amazing about-face, all based on cutting edge neuroscience, Dr. Mellin delivers a program to “go to the emotional gym” daily to practice shutting off cravings, celebrating each small but important victory in clearing out the stress wires in the emotional brain that cause us to overeat.

The Stress Eating Solution walks readers through 30 days of effective strategies to transform their food, mood, love, and body circuits using Dr. Mellin’s proven method of Emotional Brain Training (EBT). Readers can experience immediate benefits, and using this method over time will promote lasting results. Dr. Mellin’s program is the only weight method other than surgery that has been shown in peer-reviewed research to produce lasting weight loss. For the first time, her methods are available to the public through this new book.

Readers will gain valuable benefits to ultimately help them:

1) Answer that nagging question, “Why do I overeat?” Overeating is caused by chemical surges unleashed by stress wiring. Yes, we are chemically driven to overeat.
2) Figure out why we can’t stop. We can’t stop because the wire in our brain tells us that we get our love, safety, comfort or pleasure from overeating.
3) Shut off cravings in real-time, so a new sense of peace, confidence and power replace the self-judgment and shame of repeatedly losing the war against carb cravings.
4) Use the tools repeatedly to transform the drive to get love/safety/comfort/pleasure from overeating into the drive to eat healthy, be vibrant and have joy in our lives.

We have thousands of diets, and people know what they should do; it’s just that they can’t do it. That powerlessness and the resulting self-blame are what harm us. Knowing what to do or being mindfully aware works in low-stress times, but research has shown these approaches are ineffective at the high stress levels of modern life. We need emotional tools, and The Stress Eating Solution offers these tools and more, to help readers end their cravings for unhealthy foods, regain control of their lives and move forward with improved overall well-being.

Dr. Mellin is also introducing a new mobile app, Brain Based Health by EBT, which can help readers use the tools in real time to stop craving and binge eating at the time the urge arises.

Laurel Mellin, Ph.D., is a New York Times bestselling author; health psychologist; Associate Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; and founder of the Emotional Brain Training (EBT) method. She is also the leader of the Brain Based Health Movement, mobilizing individuals, universities and corporations to access the natural pathway in the brain to rapidly get from stress to joy. She has been a faculty member at UCSF for more than 30 years, and her work has been featured on KQED public television, Oprah, Today, Good Morning America, and in U.S. News & World Report, Time, The Conversation, Psychology Today and many more. Her method was named one of the “Top Ten Medical Advances of the Year” by Health magazine. Dr. Mellin’s credentials are from the University of California, Berkeley, San Francisco State University, and North Central University. She is a Ph.D. health psychologist, a Master’s level nutritionist, and has received government and health organization awards for her research and public education. Her two latest books are The Stress Eating Solution and The Stress Overload Solution, which give the public an opportunity to experience the 30-day, step-by-step way to learn how to become emotional superstars, and move through stress to joy, often in as little as four minutes, to stop cravings and stop the “stress buzzer” from being stuck on. Dr. Mellin is an internationally-recognized expert on obesity and stress.

To learn more, please visit

For Dr. Mellin’s six-part video series that explains the science behind why we overeat and how to stop, please watch:

The Stress Eating Solution: A Proven, Neuroscience Method for Ending Overeating.
Release Date: April 2019
Publisher: EBT Books
ISBN-10: 0986410772
ISBN-13: 978-0986410772
Available from


Three-Time Breast Cancer Survivor Relates How Dreams Saved Her Life

Trish Stevens
Liz Chase
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
[email protected]
281.333.3507 Phone

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Three-Time Breast Cancer Survivor Relates How Dreams Saved Her Life

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos kept waking from dreams of monks who said she had cancer, but doctors could find nothing. In the end, her dreams were validated—she had breast cancer. Dr. Larry Burk followed his nagging suspicions that dreams could be important bellwethers of cancer and other serious diseases and conducted research that supports that premise. Now, O’Keefe-Kanavos and Burk have teamed up to produce Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, the three-time Breast Cancer survivor employed a combination of dreams and conventional medicine to heal her body to beat back cancer—all three times. She was one of Dr. Burk’s Breast Cancer Dream Research Program research subjects at Duke. The resulting conclusions were published in various medical journals. O’Keefe-Kanavos has made appearances on TV’s Dr. OZ ( and local television and radio shows.

In Dreams That Can Save Your Life, O’Keefe-Kanavos and Burk have collected not only the true accounts of people whose dreams were later validated by pathology but also the results of research studies that support the precognitive power of dreams. They also discuss how people who want to tap into the power of their dreams can learn to remember their dreams, learn their dream-language and keep a dream journal.

“We all have the power through dreams to transform our health, our business and our relationships for a better life,” says O’Keefe-Kanavos.

To learn more about O’Keefe-Kanavos’s story and the research that supports precognitive dreams, visit the following: and; https://www.coasttocoastam/guest/o-keefe-kavanos-kathleen/74194.

Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases
Publisher: Findhorn Press/Inner Traditions
ISBN-10: 1844097449
ISBN-13: 978-1844097449
Available from


Newsroom Dispute Turns Violent In Yellow, A Journalism Thriller

Trish Stevens
Anna Lee Simpson
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
[email protected]
281.333.3507 Phone

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Newsroom Dispute Turns Violent In Yellow, A Journalism Thriller

A principled news director, a ruthless female television manager known as The Barracuda and a corporate manager with a gambling addiction set the stage for a thriller where manipulation of the news for personal gain trumps journalistic integrity.

Yellow, by Jeanne Charters, takes readers into a newsroom of the 1980s at the highest-rated television station in Pennsylvania. Finley Smith is its news director. When she learns from her top reporter that the Pennsylvania Governor has hired a mob-owned construction company to repair a bridge in Pittsburgh, she plans to report it. Her unscrupulous station manager orders her to “leave it alone.” But when a reporter’s probe reveals dangerous truths about the construction company’s shoddy work, Finley opts to buck the system and run the stories. This sets in motion a deadly dispute.

Although Finley’s reputation is irreproachable, making it difficult to fire her, the station manager and corporate president conspire to have her eliminated.

Between the covers of Yellow, Charters expertly weaves a suspenseful web of ambition-fueled deceit, financial desperation and corruption that ultimately culminates in a grisly crime. A veteran of broadcast television, Charters draws from her own experiences to inform the character development and story arc, lending authenticity to every page.

Will Finley Smith emerge with the truth — and her life — intact?

Born in small-town Ohio, author Jeanne Charters is a veteran of the broadcast television industry. The former Vice President of Marketing for Viacom TV began her career in radio and TV marketing, where she proved to be an expert at writing and producing effective television campaigns. Her talents caught the eye of Viacom Television, and when they approached her with the position of Vice President of Marketing, she jumped at the opportunity. She would later open her own broadcast ad agency, Charters Marketing. For years, she traveled to television stations from New York to Hawaii, producing and placing television and radio campaigns for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. At the same time, Charters worked with select local retailers on their campaigns.

Charters grew up believing she’d be a stay-at-home mom and live in her hometown for the rest of her life, but life threw her curveballs. When her first husband took a job in Chicago, Charters experienced culture shock of the highest order. After four children and a divorce, Charters ended up in Albany, New York, where she met and married Matt Restivo, her husband of 35 years and counting. When it came time to retire, Jeanne and Matt moved to Asheville, NC, and she began writing in earnest: columns for magazines and newspapers and finally, novels.

To learn more, please visit or connect with her on Facebook at Shanty Gold or at Jeanne Charters, or on Twitter at Write that Story.

Yellow (TV News Corrupted by Political Muscle)
Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press
Release Date: August 2019
ISBN-10: 1624205046
ISBN-13: 978-1624205040
Available from;; all other online retailers; Malaprops Book Sellers, Asheville, NC; the Book House, Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, NY; and other places where great books are sold.


Deep Flavors Offers Deliciously Reimagined Kosher Recipes

Trish Stevens
Kathleen Jenson
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
[email protected]
281.333.3507 Phone

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Deep Flavors Offers Deliciously Reimagined Kosher Recipes

Lovers of kosher cuisine as well as non-Jewish foodies and vegetarians will find an abundance of tempting and unusual recipes between the covers of Deep Flavors: A Celebration of Recipes for Foodies in a Kosher Style from Kenneth M. Horwitz.

Between the covers of Deep Flavors, Horwitz combines his hunger for cooking with his passion for making international and regional favorites accessible for home cooks including those who prefer to observe some or all of the rules for kosher foods.

The Texas State Fair Blue Ribbon-winning Spinach/Mushroom Lasagna, for instance, is a completely vegetarian lasagna accessible to Jews, vegetarians and foodies, with a unique twist on ingredients that gives it a complex flavor profile. Even recipes for classic foods such as brisket and roast turkey contain newly imagined taste combinations and techniques to elevate them while maintaining recognizable hallmarks of each dish.

The Beet Borscht, a family recipe from Horwitz’s grandmother, is somewhat unusual in that it is vegetarian. “A non-Jewish friend almost refused to eat it because he does not like beets; he had a third helping that evening,” Horwitz shared.

Woven throughout this eclectic anthology of Jewish family recipes and original kosher dishes are flavorful reminiscences and insights about food, sourcing ingredients and preparing meals in a kosher style — all from the perspective of a southern Jew.

Horwitz’s goal was to create recipes that are easy to read and easily followed by anyone with a basic knowledge of cooking.

“Too many existing recipes, whether online or in print, leave out critical stages or ingredients, assuming that the reader will instinctively know what to do next,” Horwitz added.

Horwitz’s reinterpretation of traditional Jewish dishes plus other regional and international favorites delivers a diverse menu of recipes that will appeal to broad audiences everywhere — Jewish and otherwise.

Author Ken Horwitz has spent 51 years as a CPA and lawyer in a general tax and transaction practice, where he developed a creative and focused approach to finding and fixing problems — a skill that translates well to the development and modification of recipes based on traditional (and nontraditional) family favorites.

His professional drive and the care given to his work have earned him multiple awards, including the Honorary Fellow for a lifetime of distinguished service and the 2017 Chairperson of the Year by the Texas Society of CPA’s. Currently residing in Dallas, Texas, Horwitz enjoys sharing his passion for cooking with his wife and his children’s families. Horwitz believes that one of the highest compliments he has received came from a longstanding client who uses numerous lawyers. He said, “Ken, you are the only lawyer we use whose work we have not had to fix.” Horwitz’s goal is for Deep Flavors to reach that same standard.

To learn more, please visit or follow the author on Facebook at
Deep Flavors
Publisher: Inspire on Purpose
Release Date: October 1, 2019
ISBN-13 978-1-941782-51-4
ISBN-10: 1-941782-51-5
Available from


“The World’s Most Expensive Jacket (Ten Million Dollars),” Designed By Farrah Gray And Diamond Extraordinaire Peter Marco

Trish Stevens
Shelby Morrison
Ascot Media Group
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
281.333.3507 Phone
[email protected]

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“The World’s Most Expensive Jacket (Ten Million Dollars),” Designed By Farrah Gray And Diamond Extraordinaire Peter Marco

“The world’s most expensive jacket is here! Valued at ten million dollars, it was first revealed in a private unveiling in Beverly Hills, CA, on February 18, 2019,” says designer Farrah Gray. The unveiling took place at Peter Marco’s world-renowned, extraordinary jewelry store on the world-famous, ultra-posh Rodeo Drive. It’s stunning, to say the least!

The jacket is available at Peter Marco’s Extraordinary Jewels, 252 North Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, CA. This diamond bejeweled jacket was designed and created with award-winning fashion designer Farrah Gray, and this beautiful jacket is a piece of art, bedazzling over 460 carats of flawless diamonds. It is a piece that will never be reproduced!

The world’s most beautiful trendsetters and tastemakers who can appreciate it, nicknamed it “The One.” It is constructed of 100% black python leather, featuring a posh, silk interior lining. This beautiful and handsome jacket is handmade using the finest of quality materials and fabric. “Sewn together with 99% GIA certified diamonds by Peter Marco, it is truly a one-of-a-kind art installation and jacket for the fashion extraordinaire with ten million dollars to spare!” says Gray.

“The jacket can be worn by the opulent man or woman who yearns for quality, taste and extravagant, stunning works of art when rubbing shoulders with their elite colleagues. It sets a new world record and a new standard of high couture fashion and wearable art.”

Viewings are by appointment only. A percentage of the proceeds will go to several charitable organizations chosen by the purchaser. It is available now, exclusively at Peter Marco Beverly Hills. “And it is the first of its kind in any line of diamond bejeweled jackets in the world,” adds Gray.

For more information, visit or follow Farrah Gray and Peter Marco on Instagram at and .

Interviews are available upon request with Farrah Gray and Peter Marco who will be accompanied by the ten million dollar bejeweled jacket.


Former NFL Star Shares Empowering Story In SuperVan Tackles Cancer

Trish Stevens
Shelby Morrison
Ascot Media Group
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
281.333.3507 Phone
[email protected]

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Former NFL Star Shares Empowering Story In SuperVan Tackles Cancer

Van Johnson was a typical 6-year-old boy who loved to play football and often dreamed that he could fly. When a routine physical revealed an anomaly, Van’s dreams of flying were sidelined and replaced by the hope that one day he would be well enough again to return to the football field.

A cancer diagnosis at age 6 is unthinkable, but in reality, nearly 16,000 children under 19 receive a cancer diagnosis each year in the United States.

SuperVan Tackles Cancer is the heartwarming story of young Van’s cancer journey. Written by cancer survivor and former NFL star Dominic “Billy” Austin, SuperVan is the first install-ment of Austin’s Tackle Cancer series, which shares inspirational stories of kids just like Van Johnson. Austin believes that within every child lies a superhero with the power to beat can-cer, and through his Tackle Cancer series, he gives kids a powerful voice to share their sto-ries and let other children fighting cancer know that they are not alone.

SuperVan Tackles Cancer is an empowering tale of courage, hope and strength; of digging deep inside to harness your superpowers; and of using those powers to wage the battle of a lifetime. It is a story that will inspire other children to seek their inner superheroes to over-come life’s obstacles.

Author Dominic “Billy” Austin, a former cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts, graduated from Kempner High School in Sugarland, Texas, where he was an academic and athletic stand-out. At the University of New Mexico, he was named all-conference defensive back his sophomore, junior and senior years.

Following his diagnosis of stage III non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma just before his 39th birthday, Austin launched Tackles4Cancer, a nonprofit organization with two primary missions: to as-sist young cancer patients with transportation to and from their lifesaving treatments and to infuse young readers with faith that they have what it takes to beat cancer. Proceeds from SuperVan benefit Tackles4Cancer.

Now cancer-free, Austin has hosted over 20 events with celebrities and has been featured as an inspirational figure for Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD Foundation ( Austin currently resides in Houston. Visit him on Facebook at and on Instagram at @tackles4cancer.

Super Van Tackles Cancer
Release Date: November 2018
ISBN-10: 0578211890
ISBN-13: 978-0578211893
Available from


True Tale Of Not-So-Ordinary Upbringing Will Inspire Others To Live Life Courageously

Trish Stevens
Vincent Cole
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
Post Office Box 2394
Friendswood, TX 77549
[email protected]
281.333.3507 Phone

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True Tale Of Not-So-Ordinary Upbringing Will Inspire Others
To Live Life Courageously

Meet Michaela: She’s the girl next door, except that “next door” happens to be a rickety 27-foot Fifth-Wheel Trailer with no electricity or running water parked in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It all went south — or north, technically — in the summer of 1992 following an economic collapse that left her family on the brink of broke.

Teetering on Disaster from Michaela Renee Johnson is the often humorous, always brutally honest, true story of a family of five that must give up any reality they’ve ever known to carve out a new one they’ve never imagined. Caught in the middle is pre-teen Michaela, and for her, the timing couldn’t be worse. As she navigates her way through adolescence — shaving her legs for the first time in the frigid water of an irrigation ditch — she gains profound wisdom about her family, the world around her and her own ability to thrive in the face of life’s inconveniences.

But the effects of her unorthodox upbringing don’t end at adulthood, and Teetering takes readers along as a grown Michaela stumbles upon a few “Mr. Right Nows,” gets divorced in her twenties, and ends up right back where she started: a small mountain town in the middle of nowhere.

Teetering on Disaster is a candid, authentic tale that will make readers laugh out loud and cry — sometimes at the same time.

Award-winning author Michaela Renee Johnson is a licensed psychotherapist and small business owner who hosts the weekly podcast, Be You Find Happy, which features real conversations about life and happiness. She lives in Northern California with her husband and son. Her homestead includes fish, chickens, ducks, a Golden Retriever (Dennis), an Australian Shepherd (Walter) and a rescue cat named Stilly.

She enjoys traveling and has visited 19 countries; she loves the ocean and everything in it. She rarely finds herself without an activity, whether it be hiking, yoga, tinkering in the gar-den, golfing, reading or spending time outside. She loves poetic quotes and all things meta-physical. To learn more about the author, visit or connect with her on Instagram at

Teetering on Disaster
Publisher: MJ Innovations
Release Date: January 2019
ISBN-13: 978-0578430805
ISBN-10: 0578430800
Available from
